Consultancy and FAQ
- Describe to us the parameters of your home and cleaning requirements and we will recommend the most suitable robot HERE
- You can find a comprehensive list of all our robotic vacuum cleaners and mops with the option of filtering HERE
- How to prepare the household for robotic cleaning HERE
We will be happy to help you personally with your selection Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at +420 226 225 030 (SK) or +40 312 251 222 (RO) or send us an email to with your telephone contact, indicate the time between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., when a phone call would be convenient for you and we will call you ourselves.
I need help with a mobile app
Where to download the Robzone app
The mobile application is freely available on the AppStore or Google Play under the name ROBZONE ROBOT or RobZone (for older robot types.)
I have a problem pairing the robot with wifi
For successful pairing, your phone must be connected to Wifi in the home where the robot will then clean. If your phone is using mobile data, please switch it to home Wifi before pairing. After successful pairing, you will be able to control the robot from anywhere.
Clear instructions for using the mobile application can be found on our website in the section "Customer support" - "Download instructions" or click here .
I forgot my app password
To retrieve a forgotten password, select the process for sending a forgotten password in the mobile application. The password will be sent to the email you used when registering for the application.
Alternatively, you can register for the application as a new user using a new/different email address.
Which robotic vacuum cleaner is equipped with a mobile application?
- Duoro Xclean 2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 (on sale from 12/2019)
- Duoro Xclean Profi 2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0
- Duoro Xcontrol 2.0/3.0
- Duoro Xcontrol Profi 2.0/3.0
- Duoro Ultimate Profi
- Duoro X-Max Profi
- Duoro X-Max Homevac
- Duoro X-Go Pro
- Duoro X-Go Homevac
- Duoro X-Comfort Profi
- Duoro X-Comfort Profi XL
- Roomy Solo
- Roomy Solo Profi
- Roomy Expert Profi
- Roomy Supra Profi
- Roomy Supra Homevac
For the Duoro Xclean robot vacuum cleaner, the mobile application is available from generation 2.0 (with a purchase date of 11/4/2019 onwards). The Duoro Xclean generation 1.0 vacuum cleaner does not have a connection to a mobile application.
Robots purchased before October 2018
Older types of robotic vacuum cleaners purchased before 2018 are not compatible with the current version of the mobile application.
Robots purchased after October 2018
Check the Wifi router if it works exclusively with 2.4 GHz. If your router works with 5 GHz, pairing with the robot is not possible. If the Wifi router is dual, the connection may be problematic and it is necessary to set the router for exclusive use of 2.4 GHz.
If your Wi-Fi is fine and pairing is still not successful, please contact us at with a detailed description or print screen of the problem so that we can help you with pairing.
Jak nakoupit
Jak nakoupit výhodně za Exclusice cenu?
1. Vložte vybraný robotický vysavač do košíku.
2. Otevře se pro vás okno s nabídkou výhodného nákupu. Zvolte nákup za Exlusive cenu.
3. Pokračujte k získání Exclusive kódu.
4. Odpovězte jednoduchou otázku a uveďte emailovou adresu na kterou vám můžeme Váš Exclusive kód odeslat.
5. Exclusive kód si můžete zkopírovat ihned po jeho zobrazení a přejít k dokončení objednávky nebo ho později najdete v emailu.
6. Po vložení zboží do košíku je stále za běžnou cenu. Až v druhém kroku košíku najdete pole pro vložení Exclusive kódu, poté se cena přepočítá na Exclusive cenu a vy můžete objednávku dokončit.
7. Platnost Exclusive kódu je 3 dny.
Jak nakoupit na firmu?
Po vložení zboží do košíku hned v prvním kroku, než budete pokračovat dále na vyplnění doručovacích údajů a volit platbu, rozklikněte pole pro vložení firemních údajů a vyplňte název firmy, IČO a DIĆ. Adresu vyplníte až v dalším kroku.
Platba na dobirku
Pokud chcete zvolit platbu na dobírku částka za doběrečné 30,- Kč bude do konečné ceny započítána až při samotné platbě. V přehledu košíku není součástí konečné ceny.
Frequently asked questions about orders
When will I receive my order?
Orders are usually shipped the next business day. (When paying by bank transfer, we are waiting for it to be credited to our account.)
Delivery usually takes place the next working day .
When the goods are handed over to the carrier, you will receive an information email from us with a link to the tracking of the shipment , and then the carrier will contact you directly about delivery or collection of the package.
How do I get an invoice for the purchased goods?
The invoice is sent in electronic form to the email specified in the order after receiving the goods.
Where can I find the instructions for use in the package?
Instructions for use are always stored directly in the package with the robotic vacuum cleaner. At the same time, the manuals are freely downloadable on our website HERE.
How do I know when paying by bank transfer that you have received my payment for the goods.
We will inform you at your email address! If the bank transfer was made correctly and the payment was marked with a variable symbol, after receiving your payment, it will be paired with the order and you will receive a payment message from us. After that, nothing prevents the shipment of your goods. If, however, the payment is not correctly marked with a variable symbol, a situation may arise that your order is still listed as unpaid despite payment. In that case, he contacts us. Payment transfer usually takes 1-3 days.
Please pay attention to filling in all the data when entering the bank transfer.
Thank you
If I pay by bank transfer, what variable symbol should I enter?
The variable symbol is the same as your order number. If you do not mention it when paying, it is very difficult for us to match your payment with the order and it may therefore remain unpaid.
I need to change the delivery date, how should I proceed?
Transportation SK-ExpressOne, RO-Cargus currier
The easiest way is to arrange directly with the driver or use their system to change the delivery based on your tracking number.
Once the shipment has already been handed over to the carrier, it is usually no longer possible for us to make a change, so we recommend contacting the carrier directly.
I accidentally threw out the instruction manual when unpacking the package together with the package. How should I proceed now?
The user manual can be downloaded directly from our website here .
Potřebuji změnit fakturační údaje
Jakmile je objednávka dokončena, není možné fakturační údaje změnit. Velmi doporučujeme pečlivou kontrolu vašich údajů před odesláním objednávky.
I lost my invoice, how can I get a copy of it?
You can download the invoice at any time from the email we sent you, or request it from our invoicing department:
My robot has a problem
The robot reports an error, what should I do?
Try to find the error number that is displayed on the robot's display in the list of errors in the manual and proceed according to the given recommendation.
If the error cannot be removed, we recommend sending the robot to our service.
Is the robot under warranty? Follow the instructions HERE
Is the robot no longer under warranty? Follow the instructions HERE
You can find the online form for processing the repair HERE
It seems to me that the cleaning time has been significantly reduced. Where can the problem be?
Battery capacity is affected by several factors: the frequency of use, the type of floor coverings being cleaned or the way the robot is used.
If the battery capacity begins to decrease after 6 months of use, it can be assumed that this is a common phenomenon of accumulator batteries that you know from phones, tablets or laptops. According to the law, the battery capacity warranty is set at 6 months.
Battery capacity can also be affected if the robotic vacuum cleaner remains discharged for a long time. If you leave the robot outside the charging base, it should always be fully charged and switched off.
You can purchase a new battery in the accessories section HERE . Anyone can do the replacement at home (except for the Duoro X-Comfort robot models, which require the battery to be replaced by the service).
The robot has a problem cleaning the carpet, what could be the cause?
In order to move smoothly across the floor, the robotic vacuum cleaner needs a solid base without obstacles. Therefore, soft carpets can rebuild more demanding terrain, and the robot cannot always overcome such terrain.
What carpet can be a trap for a robot?
- Carpet with a black or bold pattern
- Carpet with long pile
- A carpet with a dense longer fiber
- A high carpet that can be difficult for the vacuum cleaner to reach.
Online form for repair
You can find the online form for processing the repair HERE.
Then pack the robotic vacuum cleaner and hand it over to the carrier or deliver it to our store.
How to handle a claim easily
How should I proceed with a product complaint?
If your robot has started to behave abnormally or reports an error, it will probably require a check by our technician. To send the robot to service, please follow the instructions HERE.
Online claim form for claiming warranty repair
Please always first fill out our online form before handing the robot over for service. This will greatly speed up the entire process of processing your claim.
Online complaint form HERE.
What is the status of my claim?
We will keep you updated on the current status by email.
We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information on RO +40 312 251 222 SK +420 226 225 030 on working days from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Has my claim shipment arrived yet?
As soon as we receive the shipment from you, we will send you a confirmation by email. Delivery can take up to 10 days. Thank you for your patience.
I need to change the delivery details.
Please send us a change request to and wait for confirmation. To comply with the GDPR for correspondence, please use the email address you provided in the online complaint form.
Be sure to include in your request:
- Claim number
- Requested change of address
I did not receive the Packeta shipping label in my email.
The sticker for free shipping to the service center is sent to the customer's email immediately after filling out the online complaint form and only in the case of a warranty repair.
Check the SPAM tab in your email inbox. You will probably find the email with the label there.
Write to us at or call +420 226 225 030, we will send you the label again.
When can I return purchased goods?
In what period can I return the purchased robotic vacuum cleaner?
- Within 14 days of receipt of the shipment - for regular purchases (individuals)
- Within 7 days of receiving the shipment - when purchasing for a company (legal entity)
- The decisive date for the recognition of the claim is when you give us a written report about withdrawing from the purchase contract. You can simply fill out an online request HERE or send an email to
How should I proceed when returning the vacuum cleaner?
If your purchase meets the deadline for returning goods, proceed according to the instructions here .
When will I get my money back for returned goods?
After receiving the goods, each shipment must go through a control process to ensure that it is complete and that the condition of the goods meets the conditions for return. The purchase price is then sent to the customer's account, no later than 14 days after receiving the goods back.